

Kia ora and welcome to Waitākiri Primary School

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We are a leading New Zealand primary school that was purpose built in 2015. Our facilities are second to none. We have a large central courtyard with beautiful gardens, orchard and playing fields.

At Waitākiri our staff and children are friendly and caring. We are proud of the extra personal care and support that we provide for our international learners and families. We have a tradition of academic success and achievement and we are noted for the quality of our teaching. We also provide access for international learners to be involved in cultural and sporting activities and clubs.

Our school is situated in the vibrant, garden city of Christchurch. We are 5 minutes from the beach, have two golf courses close by, 1.5 hours from the ski field and are only 20 minutes from an international airport.

Please read our latest ERO report regarding International Learners and contact us if you have any questions international@waitakiri.school.nz

Ngā mihi,

Andrew Barker, Principal

Hayley Walker
International Co-ordinator

Our International Coordinator, Hayley Walker will be able to assist you in your exciting journey of living in another country and be able offer helpful advice and information that you need regarding studying and living in our community.

Our office and teaching staff are also very happy to help you. 

All International Learners must live with a parent or legal guardian while studying at Waitākiri Primary School.  

If you would like to an Enrolment Information Pack, please contact Hayley, our International Coordinator at international@waitakiri.school.nz

Alternatively you can contact us on (outside New Zealand) +64 3 383 2736. 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.  We look forward to hearing from you.


1 Year/12 Months (4 terms) – $14,000.00 per year.

1 to 3 terms – $4500.00 per Term

Weekly – $500.00 per week (minimum of 5 weeks)


Long Term – $750.00 -two terms or more (non-refundable)

Short Term – $500.00 Less than two terms (non-refundable)

All fees above are in New Zealand dollars (NZD) per student and include GST.
These costs are a guideline only and subject to change without notice. Tuition fees are subject to change in Government Legislation relating to finance or GST.

Fees, Fee Protection & Refund Policy

International learners must have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance (Policy to be in English) to meet Code of Practice 2021 and Immigration requirements while in New Zealand.

Refund Policy
Refund Policy conditions will be sent with application forms.

Fees Protection
The Board of Waitākiri Primary School guarantees to repay all outstanding fees to International learners in the unlikely event of the school being unable to continue functioning.

Please Note:
Tuition fee does not include:

  • School uniform
  • Stationery, work books, writing materials and electronic devices
  • Specialised music tuition and associated costs
  • Costs associated with any extra-curricular activities, such as sport, camps, trips and after school activities
  • Entry into academic competitions
  • Any specialist teaching required other and English as an additional language
  • New Zealand school dental and health services
  • OSCAR (after school & holiday programme) attendance

Waitākiri Primary School is a new purpose built school, built in 2015.  Our school is safe and is focused on the environment. We have a large central courtyard with beautiful gardens. The school was designed to maximise learning opportunities for children through collaborative teaching in flexible spaces. Our learning studios provide spaces for children to learn in large or small groups or independently depending on the learning activity.

At Waitākiri our International Co-ordinator will help you with organising everything you need for your child’s learning at school. Our staff and children are friendly and caring. We take an interest in everyone’s well-being at school.  We are a school of REAL heroes which means we are Respectful, Encouragers, Achievers and Lifelong Learners. We encourage diversity and respect people from other cultures. Our staff and children are bucket fillers, where we each have an invisible bucket with the singular purpose of holding good thoughts and feelings about ourselves.

Waitākiri School has an Enviroschools GreenGold Status, meaning that we are looking after our environment in every possible way.  This is the highest award available. We have solar panels on our roof to help our power usage and our student led Enviroteam has a busy schedule – look at what we have and what they look after!
  • Orchard and vegetable garden
  • Butterfly garden
  • Worm farm
  • School chickens
  • Market day – each week selling our own produce and worm tea, sandwich wraps and reusable straws
  • Nood Food – encouraging all children to bring food in containers, no wrappers 
  • Pack in, pack out – children take all morning tea/lunch rubbish home (or even better bring nood food) – we do not have rubbish bins
  • CHOICE cafe reusable cups and cup library
  • Recycle and reuse – everything that can be recycled or reused is!

We have many activities and clubs children can join and attend. Some run over a year, term or season and others they can attend on the days they run.  Many are run at lunchtime before the children eat lunch.

Hagley Sport – Netball, Soccer, Hockey
Rippa Rugby
Future Ferns Netball
School, Zone and Canterbury Cross Country
School, Zone and Canterbury Athletics
Rawhiti Touch Rugby
Minijammers & Jammers Basketball
School, Zone and Canterbury Swimming
School, Zone and Canterbury Athletics
Chess Club

Kapa Haka
Rock Band
Crochet Club
Enviro/Garden Club
Student Council
Road Patrol
Art Extension
Tech Group
Movie Crew
News Crew

At Waitākiri School we do not have ‘homework’ that children take home. The only learning that is required to be completed are basic facts (maths) and reading each night. In addition we have the option of Year 4 – 6 students completing Home Learning REAL Challenges, which are completed at home with the support of family members. There is a wide range of options for students to choose from, or they can “design their own challenge”.  You will be given information about our home learning challenges when you start with us.

Burwood is a wonderful place to study and live. Our community is friendly, warm and welcoming with most families living in the close vicinity to our school. We are within a few kilometres to golf clubs, beaches, the Avon River, Bottle Lake Forest Park, adventure parks, QEII Recreation Centre, libraries, Travis Wetlands, mountain bike tracks, shopping malls, cinemas, doctors and dentists.  We have some wonderful local restaurants and cafes and a local bus service at our door. 

Waimairi Beach Golf Club
Waitikiri Golf Club
Christchurch Golf Club
Waimairi Beach
New Brighton Pier and Beach
Avon River Trail
Bottle Lake Forest Park
Spencer Park
Adrenalin Forest
QEII Recreation Centre
Travis Wetlands
The Palms Shopping Mall
Travis Medical Centre
Palms Dental Centre
Reading Cinemas The Palms
Metro Bus Service
Local libraries
Icelandic Horse Treks
Mairehau Riding School

Christchurch is known as the ‘Garden City’. Despite our earthquakes, Christchurch is now a safe city to live in. It is rising again and proving it is still one of the most beautiful cities in New Zealand. It is changing fast – next to old beautiful heritage buildings, a modern CBD is taking shape.  Christchurch is an easy place to walk or cycle, our new cycleways and green spaces are fantastic!

Christchurch & Canterbury “You Could Be Here”
Welcome to Christchurch
Christchurch NZ
Christchurch CBD
Christchurch City Tram

There are so many things to do in Christchurch and Canterbury. Whether you like adventure or want to take things a bit slower – the list is unlimited. Here are a few things we love to do!

Christchurch Adventure Park
Mount Hutt Ski Field
International Antarctic Centre
Shopping in Christchurch
Antigua Boatsheds and Boat Hire
Christchurch Art Gallery
Canterbury Museum
Margaret Mahy Family Playground
Christchurch Children’s Activities
Willowbank Wildlife Reserve
Porter Heights Ski Resort

Before you go anywhere, make sure you check the weather!
Metservice weather

Here you can find a testimonials from families who have studied with us:

전세계 어디에 내어놓아도 절대 뒤지지않을~ 완벽한 선생님과 직원들 그리고 너무나도 친절한 친구들!! 두어달동안 아이에게 행복한 기억을 안겨준 곳이에요~

“No matter where you are put in the world, you will never be left behind ~ Perfect teachers and staff and very kind friends!! It is a place that gave the child happy memories for two months”
– Kyungmin, Korea

“Our sons had studied here during their vacation. They didn’t just learn languages at this school. We experienced lots of things in here. We also realized how kind New Zealand people are. The school’s staff responded immediately to even small inconveniences. What a wonderful students and professional staffs.”
– H K Shin, Korea


