How Learning at Home will work starting Wednesday April 15th
Teachers are planning fun and engaging plugged and unplugged learning experiences
Learning experiences will be delivered via Google Classroom (for each of our whānau groups or home bases) – our children are already familiar with this. The children will be invited to the Google Classroom via email.
We will use ‘Zoom’, an online conferencing tool, to connect briefly with our children twice a week (Wednesday and Monday at 10am). More details about this will come via email.
This is a prime opportunity for children to focus on their REAL Choices Challenges.
We will give you your child’s Study Ladder username and password, and their school Gmail address and password via email.
Teachers will be available via email between 9 am and 3 pm each day and will provide support, guidance and feedback on their learning tasks through Google Classroom.
170 Burwood Road, Burwood, Christchurch 8083
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